Regular verbs can be conjugated into the six subjunctive tenses - let's learn more about that.



Dudo que podamos dormir temprano hoy, tenemos mucho trabajo. (Presente de Subjuntivo)

I doubt we will be able to sleep early today, we have a lot of work to do. (Present Subjunctive)

The subjunctive is not a tense but a mood, like the indicative mood. In other words, this means that you cannot conjugate a verb in the subjunctive per se, but in the present subjunctive, imperfect subjunctive, etc.

For this reason, in Spanish lessons, you will often see that the names of tenses are accompanied by -de indicativo or -de subjuntivo (presente de indicativo, presente de subjuntivo).

The subjunctive has 6 tenses:

  1. Presente
  2. Imperfecto
  3. Futuro
  4. Pretérito perfecto
  5. Pluscuamperfecto
  6. Futuro perfecto

We will review the regular verb conjugation for each tense, but not the usages, which have been reviewed in the previous grammar point. Check it out before studying the conjugations. Click here to read it!

Presente de Subjuntivo

Rule 1. For all regular verbs ending in -ar, add the following endings:
-e, -es, -e, -emos, -éis, -en.

Let's see an example with the verb hablar.

Subject PronounHablar
yo hable
él, ella, usted hable
nosotros, nosotras hablemos
vosotros, vosotras habléis
ellos, ellas, ustedes hablen



Es importante que hables hoy para hacer tu cita.

It is important that you call today to make your appointment.

Rule 2. As usual, verbs ending in -er and -ir have the same conjugations, so for -er and -ir verbs add the following endings:
-a, -as, -a, -amos, -áis, -an.

Let's see an example with the verbs comer and vivir.

Subject PronounComer
yo coma
él, ella, usted coma
nosotros, nosotras comamos
vosotros, vosotras comáis
ellos, ellas, ustedes coman



Ojalá que comamos pollo frito hoy.

I hope we eat fried chicken today.

Subject PronounVivir
yo viva
él, ella, usted viva
nosotros, nosotras vivamos
vosotros, vosotras viváis
ellos, ellas, ustedes vivan



¡Te deseo que vivas una vida plena!

I wish you a fulfilling life!

Imperfecto de Subjuntivo

The imperfect subjunctive can express any of the uses seen in W.E.I.R.D.O.; however, this tense is peculiar, because it can be used to speak of the present as well as the past or future. Therefore, you must pay attention or use the appropriate temporal expressions in your sentence to avoid confusion.

Rule 3. To conjugate regular -ar ending verbs in the imperfect subjunctive, add either of the two ending groups shown below.

Option 1. -ara, -aras, -ara, -áramos, -arais, -aran

Option 2. -ase, -ases, -ase, -ásemos, -aseis, -asen

You are probably wondering why there are two conjugation options. This is because different speakers from different regions use one or the other.

That said, both are correct, and their use simply has to do with the region. In Mexico, for example, option one is preferred over option two, although it is not uncommon to see option two used in written language as well.

Let's see an example with the verb comprar.

Subject PronounComprar
yo comprara or comprase
compraras o comprases
él, ella, usted comprara or comprase
nosotros, nosotras compráramos or comprásemos
vosotros, vosotras comprarais o compraseis
ellos, ellas, ustedes compraran o comprasen

Rule 4. For -er and -ir ending verbs, add either of the two ending groups shown below.

Option 1. -iera, -ieras, -iera, -iéramos, -erais, -ieran

Option 2. -iese, -ieses, -iese, -iésemos, -ieseis, -iesen

Let's see an example with the verbs beber and escribir.

Subject PronounBeber
yo bebiera or bebiese
bebieras o bebieses
él, ella, usted bebiera o bebiese
nosotros, nosotras bebiéramos o bebiésemos
vosotros, vosotras bebierais o bebieseis
ellos, ellas, ustedes bebieran o bebiesen



Me molestó que te bebieras todo el jugo esta mañana.

I was annoyed that you drank all the juice this morning.

Subject PronounEscribir
yo escribiera or escribiese
escribieras o escribieses
él, ella, usted escribiera o escribiese
nosotros, nosotras escribiéramos o escribiésemos
vosotros, vosotras escribierais o escribieseis
ellos, ellas, ustedes escribieran o escribiesen



El profesor nos pidió que escribiéramos 15 hojas para mañana.

The teacher asked us to write 15 sheets by tomorrow.

Futuro de Subjunctivo

It is important to mention that the future subjunctive is practically in disuse, because it tends to be used to talk about hypothetical situations. As you may already know, there are other tenses that express the same thing and sound more natural to native speakers.

Nowadays, you can hear the future subjunctive in popular sayings, law-related texts, and older written works.

Nonetheless, let's review the conjugation.

Rule 5. For -ar ending verbs, add the endings: -are, -ares, -are, -áremos, -áreis, aren.

Let's see an example with the verb trabajar.

Subject PronounTrabajar
yo trabajare
él, ella, usted trabajare
nosotros, nosotras trabajáremos
vosotros, vosotras trabajareis
ellos, ellas, ustedes trabajaren



Aquel que no trabajare, recibirá una sanción.

Those who do not work will receive a penalty.

Rule 6. For -er and -ir endig verbs, add the endings: -iere, -ieres, -iere, -iréremos, -iereis, -ieren.

Let's see some examples with the verbs aprender and discutir.

Subject PronounAprender
yo aprendiere
él, ella, usted aprendiere
nosotros, nosotras aprendiéremos
vosotros, vosotras aprendiereis
ellos, ellas, ustedes aprendieren



Si aprendieres este tema, no tendrás problemas en tu nota.

If you learn this topic, you will have no problems with your grade.

Subject PronounDiscutir
yo discutiere
él, ella, usted discutiere
nosotros, nosotras discutiéremos
vosotros, vosotras discutiereis
ellos, ellas, ustedes discutieren



Cuando se discutiere la revisión del contrato, se convocará a una reunión.

When the revision of the contract is discussed, a meeting shall be called.

Subjunctive Compound Tenses

Rule 7. As with the indicative, the compound tenses of the subjunctive are made up of the verb haber conjugated with the main verb in its participle form. Below, we'll show you the conjugation of the verb haber in the three compound tenses of the subjunctive.

pretérito perfectopluscuamperfectofuturo perfecto
yo haya hubiera or hubiese hubiere
hayas hubieras or hubieses hubieres
él, ella, usted haya hubiera or hubiese hubiere
nosotros, nosotras hayamos hubiéramos or hubiésemos hubiéremos
vosotros, vosotras hayáis hubierais or hubieseis hubiereis
ellos, ellas, ustedes hayan hubieran o hubiesen hubieren



No creo que la reunión haya salido mal.

I don't think the meeting went badly.



Espero que ___ hoy en la tarde.


correct answers.