1. Reviewing the Verbal Periphrasis ir a + infinitivo
  2. Future Simple of Indicative - Form and Usage
  3. How to Conjugate Irregular Verbs?

Spanish has several different ways to talk about the future. In this article, you will learn about the form and use of the future simple tense. The two most common ways to talk about the future are the verbal periphrasis ir a + infinitivo and the future simple tense.

Their use sometimes depends on the region and the speakers. For example, in Mexico, it is more common to use the verbal periphrasis instead of the future simple.

Reviewing the Verbal Periphrasis ir a + infinitivo

Rule 1. Before going into the future simple, let's briefly recall how the verbal periphrasis ir a + infinitive is used. It is mainly used to talk about the near future. The structure is the verb ir conjugated in the present indicative, followed by the preposition a, and finally a verb in the infinitive form.



Voy a viajar a Asunción este viernes.

I will be traveling to Asuncion this Friday.

Future Simple of Indicative - Form and Usage

Rule 2. The future simple is used to talk about future plans or something that will happen with high probability or definite intention.



Mañana entregaré el trabajo.

I will hand in the paper tomorrow.

Rule 3. The future simple of indicative has a specific conjugation.

Subject PronounEndings-ar ending verbs-er ending verbs-ir ending verbs
yo hablaré comeré escribiré
-ás hablarás comerás escribirás
él, ella, usted hablará comerá escribirá
nosotros, nosotras -emos hablaremos comeremos escribiremos
vosotros, vosotras -éis hablaréis comeréis escribiréis
ellos, ellas, ustedes -án hablarán comerán escribirán

As you can see, the conjugation is the same for all three types of verbs. (It's that easy!)



Ellos saldrán para las montañas el próximo lunes.

They will leave for the mountains next Monday.

¡OJO! All the verb endings have a written accent except the nosotros/nosotras form.



Nosotros no celebraremos Navidad este año.

We will not be celebrating Christmas this year.

How to Conjugate Irregular Verbs?

Rule 4. Conveniently, the endings for regular and irregular verbs are the same. The only difference is that you will add the endings to the irregular stem.

Irregular Verbs Chart

hacer har- tú harás
poder podr- yo podré
decir dir- tú dirás
venir vendr- nosotros vendremos
poner pondr- yo pondré
haber habr- habrá
querer querr- ellos querrán
tener tendr- vosotros tendréis
saber sabr- nosotros sabremos
salir saldr- él saldrá



Este sábado nosotros _____________ a Chile.


correct answers.