1. Reviewing the Uses of the Preterite
  2. Form of Regular Verbs in the Preterite
  3. Irregular Verbs in the Preterite

The regular verbs of the indefinite preterite use two sets of conjugations for the three types of verbs, and there are just a few fully irregular verbs. Let's learn more about it.



Ayer fuimos a bailar al antro.

Yesterday we went dancing at the club.

Reviewing the Uses of the Preterite

Rule 1. The preterite is used to narrate a series of events in the past or for events that have a concrete beginning and end. It is also used when you know specifying the end of the activity is important.



El año pasado viajé con mis papás a Francia.

Last year I traveled with my parents to France.

Form of Regular Verbs in the Preterite

Rule 2. For verbs ending in -ar, add the following endings to their stem for each person respectively:

Subject PronounPreterite endings-ar ending verbs such as hablar
yo hablé
-aste hablaste
él, ella, usted habló
nosotros, nosotras -amo hablamos
vosotros, vosotras -asteis hablasteis
ellos, ellas, ustedes -aron hablaron



Anoche hablamos casi 4 horas por télefono.

Last night we talked for almost 4 hours on the phone.

Rule 3. For verbs ending in -er and -ir, add the following endings to their stem for each person respectively:

Subject PronousPreterite endings-er ending verbs such as comer-ir ending verbs such as escribir
yo comí escribí
-iste comiste escribiste
él, ella, usted -ío comió escribió
nosotros, nosotras -imos comimos escribimos
vosotros, vosotras -isteis comisteis escribisteis
ellos, ellas, ustedes -ieron comieron escribieron



Ayer comieron juntos y después escribieron el ensayo.

Yesterday they had lunch together and then wrote the essay.

Note: It is very important that you add the accent mark to the yo, él, ella, and usted forms.

Rule 3. In -ar and -ir verbs, the preterite and the present tense forms of nosotros are identical. In this case, pay attention to the context to determine if it is referring to the present or past.



Hablamos por teléfono anoche.

We spoke on the phone last night.

Hablamos por teléfono hoy en la mañana.

We spoke on the phone this morning.

Irregular Verbs in the Preterite

Rule 4. There are four completely irregular verbs in the preterite. These are ser, ir, dar, and ver.

Subject PronounIr*Ser*DarVer
yo fui fui di vi
fuiste fuiste diste viste
él, ella, usted fue fue dio vio
nosotros, nosotras fuimos fuimos dimos vimos
vosotros, vosotras fuisteis fuisteis disteis visteis
ellos, ellas, ustedes fueron fueron dieron vieron

* The verbs ir and estar are conjugated exactly the same in the preterite.



Fuimos a patinar la semana pasada.

We went skating last week.

Fuimos grandes amigos cuando teníamos 10 años.

We were great friends when we were 10 years old.

There are two other irregular verbs that change only their root in the preterite. However, we will cover this in another entry.



Anoche nosotras ___________ (comer) sushi y pizza.


correct answers.