1. Adverbs of Place
  2. Common Adverbs of Place
  3. The Adverbs Aquí and Ahí
  4. What about allí o allá?

Adverbs modify verbs, adjectives, or other adverbs.



Nosotras trabajamos aquí.

We work here.

Adverbs of Place

Rule 1. Adverbs of place indicate where an action is taking place. They usually answer the question ¿dónde? (where?).



-¿Dónde está el libro?

- Está arriba del escritorio.

- Where is the book?

- It is on the desk

Common Adverbs of Place

Rule 2. Some of the most common adverbs of place are the following:

abajo down
arriba up
enfrente in front of
atrás behind
adentro inside
afuera outside
cerca near/close to
lejos far from
debajo under
encima over/on
aquí here
ahí there



La tarea está sobre la mesa.

The homework is on the table.

The Adverbs Aquí and Ahí

Rule 3. The adverb aquí indicates that what is being talked about is very close to the speaker.



Asisto a la escuela aquí.

I attend school here.

¿Qué estás buscando? El control remoto está aquí sobre la mesa.

What are you looking for? The remote control is right here on the table.

In both examples, it is understood that the subject (the school and the remote) are very close to the speaker. In the second example, it is even understood that the speaker is addressing a person who is farther away.

Cultural Note

In countries like Colombia, they also use the adverb acá to mark a distance near the speaker or refer to where the speaker is located.

Rule 4. On the contrary, ahí refers to the fact that whatever the speaker is talking about is only somewhat near or at a medium distance. Imagine you are in a situation where whatever you are locating is far enough away that you have to point it out. In this case, you use ahí.



- No encuentro la cafetería.

- Está ahí, cerca del museo.

- I can't find the cafeteria.

- It's there, near the museum.

Te dejos las llaves ahí.

I leave the keys there.

What about allí o allá?

Rule 5. When whatever is being talked about is farther away than a medium distance, use allí and allá . If aquí indicates that an object or person is very close, and ahí follows indicating medium distance, then allí would follow, and allá would be the last, indicating that the object is quite far away.

Level of closeness to the speakers
super close somewhat close medium distance, a litte bit far away far away
aquí ahí allí allá



Ve a la farmacia, no está tan lejos, está allí en la esquina.

Go to the pharmacy, it's not that far, it's there in the corner.

No quiero ir al mercado, está hasta allá.

I don't want to go to the market, it's all the way there.

So, ahí and allí are very similar. While aquí and allá are very clear in distance, speakers tend to interchange ahí and allí in everyday spoken language, so don't worry too much about understanding it perfectly.

Just remember that they indicate a certain distance from the speaker, so when a Spanish speaker tells you where something is, you'll know where to go. These adverbs are often accompanied by a helpful finger pointing in the right direction.



Mi escuela está __________ de la tienda. (in front of)


correct answers.