1. What are the uses of the verb gustar?
  2. How to Conjugate the Verb Gustar?
  3. Important Points
  4. How to Express that You Really Like or Dislike Something?
  5. Similar verbs
  6. Cultural Notes

The verb gustar is often used in common topics to express likes, dislikes, agreements, or disagreements.



Me gusta salir a comer.

I like to go out to eat.

What are the uses of the verb gustar?

Rule 1. The verb gustar is used to express that we like or dislike something.



Me gustan las manzanas pero no me gustan los plátanos.

I like apples but I don't like bananas.

Rule 2. Sometimes it can be used to express that we agree with something.



¡Sí! Me gusta esa idea.

Yes! I like that idea.

How to Conjugate the Verb Gustar?

The conjugation of the verb gustar is particular as does not follow the patterns that other verbs follow. To learn how to conjugate it, follow the three rules below.

  • The first difference is that this verb requires an indirect object pronoun corresponding to each person. These are:
Subject pronounsIndirect object pronoun
yo me
él, ella, usted le
nosotros, nosotras nos
vosotros, vosotras os
ellos, ellas, ustedes les
  • Next, for the conjugation of the verb gustar (in the context of expressing likes and dislikes), use only the conjugation for the third person. It will be used with all persons.
PersonConjugation of gustar
3rd person (él, ella, usted) gusta
  • Last but not least, the verb gustar will be singular (gusta) when the object liked is singular, and plural (gustan) when what is liked is plural.



Me gusta el agua gasificada.

I like sparkling water.

Le gustan los platillos mexicanos.

He likes Mexican dishes.

Me gusta esta camisa.

I like this shirt.

Note: As you can see in the examples, the verb gustar is always accompanied by a definite article (el, la, los, las) or any determiner such as a demonstrative (esa, esto, etc.).

Important Points

Rule 3. When followed by a verb or a series of verbs, the singular form gusta is always used.



Nos gusta jugar al baloncesto.

We like to play basketball.

Me gusta leer y cocinar.

I like to read and to cook.

How to Express that You Really Like or Dislike Something?

Rule 4. Below is a list of words that will help you express different degrees of liking. These words follow the verb gustar.

mucho a lot, really ¿Te gusta mucho el chocolate?
un poco a little Me gustan un poco las naranjas.

Similar verbs

Rule 5. There are other verbs that express some level of liking or disliking, which follow the same pattern as gustar.

VerbTranslationSingular form examplePlural form example
encantar to enjoy Me encanta cantar en la ducha. Me encantan los dulces.
interesar to be interested in smth Me interesa la política. Me interesan los problemas de mi país.
fascinar to fascinate Me fascina el cine. Me fascinan los días lluviosos.
aburrir to bore sb. Me aburre el teatro. Me aburren las obras de teatro.

Other similar verbs include: divertir, caer bien, molestar, impotar, asustar, impresionar, fastidiar.

Cultural Notes

Rule 6. When the verb gustar is used with people, it has a romantic connotation. That is, if you say me gusta una persona, it can be understood that you are romantically interested in that person.



Me gusta Alicia, es una chica muy linda.

I like Alicia (romantically), she is really nice girl.

If you want to say that you like a person but not necessarily romantically, you can use the verb caer bien instead.



Me cae bien Carlos, es un gran amigo.

I like Carlos, he is a great friend.



A ella, ¿________ gusta salir a comer?


correct answers.