1. What Is the Meaning of También and Tampoco?
  2. How to Use Them?

How would you say in Spanish that you also want to do an activity? Or In the opposite case, how do you say that you don't want to do something either? The adverbs también and tampoco help us agree with another statement negatively or affirmatively. Let's learn how to use them.



- Quiero un helado.

- ¡Yo también!

- I want ice cream.

- Me too!

What Is the Meaning of También and Tampoco?

Rule 1. También can be translated into English as too (me too, you too), also, or as well. It is used to say that we agree with an affrimative statement or question that has been said or asked.



Yo también quiero salir con ustedes.

I also want to go out with you.

Rule 2. Tampoco can be translated as either or neither. It is used to express that we agree with a negative statement.



Yo tampoco quiero salir con ustedes.

I don't want to go out with you either.

In this case, it is understood that someone in the group does not want to go out and the person in our example shares the same sentiment.

How to Use Them?

Rule 3. When agreeing or disagreeing with a statement, the subject and adverb can be used by themselves in the answer without the need to repeat all the information.



- Quiero ir a bailar.

- Él también.

- I want to go dancing.

- So does he.

- Voy a ir al supermercado hoy en la tarde.

- ¡Qué coincidencia! Yo también.

- I'm going to the grocery store this afternoon.

- What a coincidence! Me too.

Rule 4. When accompanied by a verb, the adverb is generally placed before the verb.



- Quiero ir a tomar un café.

- Yo también quiero ir.

- I want to go for coffee.
- I want to go too.

- No sé cuándo pasa el autobús.

- Yo tampoco cuándo pasa el autobús.

- I don't know when the bus comes.

- I don't know when the bus comes either.

Rule 5. When used with the verb gustar, or similar verbs such as encantar, aburrir, frustar, etc., the adverb must be accompanied by an indirect object pronoun that goes with such verb (a mí me, a ti te, etc.). The rest of the information will go after the verb.

SubjectAdverbIndirect Object PronounGustar and similar verbs
A mí también me gusta
A ti también te gusta
A él, ella, usted tampoco le encanta
A nosotros, nosotras tampoco nos aburre
A vosotros, vosotras también os frustra
A ellos, ellas, ustedes tampoco les gusta



A mí también me gusta tomar vino.

I also like to drink wine.

In the case of these verbs, it is easier to learn the complete phrase (a mí también, a mí tampoco) right away. Another way to look at it is that you will always use this chunk when there is an indirect object pronoun in the statement you agree with.



- No me da miedo la oscuridad.

- A mí tampoco.

- I'm not afraid of the dark.

- Neither am I.



¡Me encantan las películas de comedia!

(You like them too)


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