1. Present Indicative Conjugation
  2. First Group: o → ue Change
  3. Second Group: e → ie Change
  4. Third Group: e → i Change

Some verbs in the present indicative change their stem during conjugation. They can be grouped into three main categories.



Duermo bien todas las noches.

I sleep well every night.

Present Indicative Conjugation

Rule 1. Before diving into the rules regarding the stem-changing verbs, it is important to review quickly the conjugations of the present indicative. Even though the verbs mentioned in this article are irregular in their stem, they still follow the regular conjugation of the present indicative.

  • -ar ending verbs
Subject PronounPresent Indicative EndingExample
yo -o hablo
-as hablas
él, ella, usted -a habla
nosotros, nosotras -amos hablamos
vosotros, vosotras -áis habláis
ellos, ellas, ustedes -an hablan
  • -er ending verbs
Subject PronounsPresent Indicative EndingExample
yo -o como
-es comes
él, ella, usted -e come
vosotros, vosotras -éis coméis
ellos, ellas, ustedes -en comen
nosotros, nosotras -emos comemos
  • -ir ending verbs
Subject PronounsPresent Indicative EndingExample
yo -o vivo
-es vives
él, ella, usted -e vive
nosotros, nosotras -imos vivimos
vosotros, vosotras -ís vivís
ellos, ellas, ustedes -en viven

First Group: o → ue Change

Rule 2. In some verbs, the o in the stem changes to ue. This is the case with verbs such as dormir, poder, almorzar, volver, encontrar, morir, mostrar and contar. These verbs change their stem in all forms except nosotros(as) and vosotros(as).

Subject PronounsVerb Dormir
yo duermo
él, ella, usted duerme
nosotros, nosotras dormimos
vosotros, vosotras dormís
ellos, ellas, ustedes duermen



¿Tú duermes temprano usualmente?

Do you usually go to bed early?

Second Group: e → ie Change

Rule 2. In some verbs, the e in the stem changes to ie. This is the case with verbs such as pensar, cerrar, atravesar, comenzar, empezar, recomendar, sentarse, despertar, querer. These verbs change their stem in all forms except nosotros(as) and vosotros(as).

Subject PronounsPensar
yo pienso
él, ella, usted piensa
nosotros, nosotras pensamos
vosotros, vosotras pensáis
ellos, ellas, ustedes piensan



Pienso que este es un buen lugar para comer.

I think this is a good place to eat.

Third Group: e → i Change

Rule 2. In some verbs, the e in the stem changes to i. This is the case with verbs such as pedir, elegir*, reír*, repetir, servir, vestirse. Just like verbs from other groups, these verbs change their stem in all forms except nosotros(as) and vosotros(as).

Subject PronounsQuerer
yo quiero
él, ella, usted quiere
nosotros, nosotras queremos
vosotros, vosotras queréis
ellos, ellas, ustedes quieren



Quiero viajar el próximo mes.

I want to travel next month.



Cuando salgas ___________ (cerrar) la puerta.


correct answers.