1. How to Use the Verbal Periphrasis ir a + infinitivo
  2. Forming the Near Future
  3. Near Future Expressions

How can you say that you are going out this afternoon? The verbal periphrasis ir a + infinitive is used in Spanish to talk about the near future. In fact, this construction is more commonly used by speakers than the simple future, particularly in Latin America.



Vamos a viajar el próximo sábado.

We will be traveling next Saturday.

How to Use the Verbal Periphrasis ir a + infinitivo

Rule 1. As mentioned above, the main use of this periphrasis is to talk about the near future. In the near future, you can refer to the same day, the same week, the same month, or even the following months. In the spoken language it is preferred over the simple future, as the latter may seem or sound more formal.



Voy a comer esta tarde con Alejandra.

I am having lunch this afternoon with Alejandra.

Rule 2. Near future can also be used to make deductions from the circumstances given at the time of speaking.



El cielo está nublado, va a llover. Llévate un paraguas.

The sky is cloudy, it is going to rain. Take an umbrella.

Forming the Near Future

Rule 3. The structure of near future in Spanish is very simple. To form it, you need the verb ir in the present tense, add the preposition a and a verb in the infinitive. Remember that verbs in the infinitive are those that are not yet conjugated.

  • subject pronoun + ir in the present indicative + preposition a + verb in infinitive form

Remember that the verb ir is irregular. Below, you will find a table with its conjugation.

Subject pronounIr + aVerb in infinitiveTranslation
yo voy a comer I am going to eat
vas a bailar You are going to dance
él, ella, usted va a hablar He, she, it is going to talk
nosotros, nosotras vamos a aprender We are going to learn
vosotros, vosotras vais a escribir You are going to write
ellos, ellas ustedes van a correr They/you are going to run

Near Future Expressions

Rule 4. When talking about the future, you may want to use several time expressions, such as:

hoy en la tarde/noche today in the afternoon/evening
mañana tomorrow
pasado mañana the day after tomorrow
este fin de semana this weekend
el próximo mes next month
en (Junio) in (June)



Vamos a acampar en Junio, ¡deberías venir con nosotras!

We're going camping in June, you should come with us!



¿(tú) ____________ a salir en la noche?


correct answers.